Super Forms 2 – 1.2.0 Update

Through customer feedback, we were able to add some new features and fix a few bugs with our Super Forms 2 stack. Check out the list of changes below. This update is free for those who own the Super Forms 2 stack.
Super Forms 2 (Version 1.2.0)
- NEW: You can now customize each field’s Required/Invalid input message
- NEW: Customize checkbox true and false values (“Yes” and “No”)
- NEW: Customize file upload error messages
- NEW: reCAPTCHA now has an option to support non SSL (http) websites
- NEW: Support for v2 invisible reCAPTCHA
- NEW: Support for v3 reCAPTCHA
- NEW: Set a specific locale/language for reCAPTCHA
- NEW: Allow the form to submit to Google Sheets and an email address at the same time
- NEW: Optionally customize the name of each field for Google Spreadsheets and the titles as shown in the sent message
- Improved: Prevents notices for empty form fields from displaying in PHP logs
- Improved: Date timezone defaults to UTC in case the server does not have a default defined timezone
- Fixed: Bug that could stop attachments from being sent properly
- Fixed: File upload field was rejecting files if the extensions had capital letters
- Fixed: Bug that could cause attachments to arrive with 0kb file sizes
- Fixed: Multi select now properly concats selected options
- Fixed: Checkbox display bug in iOS Safari
- Other minor bug fixes