

Adding Slider Images

Step 1: Install the customslider.rwsnippet by double clicking it.

Step 2: If the customslider.rwsnippet is installed correctly it will appear in Snippets.

Step 3: Open the page inspector and select Header and click on CSS.

Carabine CSS

Step 4: Drag the Custom Slider snippet in to the Custom CSS box.

Custom Slider Snippet

Once dragged in the code should appear as so.

Custom Snippet Code

Step 5: Go to resources located at the top left of the Rapidweaver window and add the resource of your choice from your computer.

Custom Image Resource

Step 5: After loading your resource click on it and highlight the name and copy it.

Resource Highlight

Step 6: Paste the name in-between %resource(  and   )%.

Single Banner Image–> Resource Paste


The Daipo Slider comes with 3 images and you can toggle from editing images 1 through 3 by simply changing

Installing the Calendar

Step 1: Install the Calendar Snippet by double clicking the Calendar.rwsnippet file 
provided in the

Step 2: Open up RapidWeaver and click on Page Info to open up the Page Inspector. Click on Sidebar Located in the Page Inspector.

Carabine Sidebar Calendar

Step 3: Open up Snippets

Step 4: The Calendar should be located in the Snippets if installed correctly.

Carabine Calendar

Step 5: Click and drag the Calendar Snippet into the Page Inspector.

Calendar Sidebar

Step 6: This should complete your install of the Calendar.

sidebar Calendar complete

jQuery Accordion

Step 1: Install the Accordion Snippet by double clicking the Accordion.rwsnippet file provided in the

Step 2: Open up RapidWeaver and click on Page Info to open up the Page Inspector. Click on Sidebar Located in the Page Inspector.

Carabine Sidebar Calendar

Step 3: Open up Snippets.

Step 4: The Accordion is located in the Snippets if installed correctly.

Accordion Snippet

Step 5: Click and drag the Accordion Snippet into the Page Inspector.

Accordion Snippet Paste

Step 6: This should complete your install of the Accordion.

Accordion Pasted

Customizing the Title

To customize the Title of any object in the accordion is simple. In between the <a href=”#”> and the <!–AREA FOR TITLE–></a> is where you will place your desired title.


To customize the list you will have to insert your info after the <li> tags.


(also shown in the image below)

Accordion Content1

Adding to the List

Adding to the list is simple all it will take is adding another <li> tag after the previous <li>tag.

<li>place item you want

<li>in a list here


(as shown in the image below)

Accordion Li

Customizing the Paragraph portion of the Accordion

The title is edited in the same manner as the List.

To place a paragraph you must insert it in-between the <p>   and the   </p>


Accordion Paragraph

Adding another paragraph

to create another paragraph you must ad a <p></p> after the previous </p>.

<p>Place content in here




(as shown in the image below)

New Paragraph

Single Image Option

Step 1: You must install the singleimage.rwsnippet.

Step 2: Once installed open up the page inspector, click on header and then select Custom CSS. Open up Snippets to make sure the Single Image snippet is installed correctly.

Carabine CSS

Step 3: Drag the Single Image snippet into the Custom CSS in the page inspector.

Carabine Single Img

Step 4: Add a new resource by clicking on Add Resource or use an existing resource.

Custom Image Resource

Step 5: Click on the resource you desire highlight the name then copy it.

Resource Highlight

Step 6: Paste the name in-between the %resource( and )%.

Single Image Paste

Single Paste After

Social Media Icons

Step 1: Install the SocialMedia Snippet by double clicking the socialmedia.rwsnippet file provided in the

Step 2: Open up RapidWeaver and click on Page Info to open up the Page Inspector. Click on Sidebar Located in the Page Inspector.

Carabine Sidebar Calendar

Step 3: The SocialMedia buttons should be located in the Snippets if installed correctly.

Carabine Social Media

Step 4: Click and drag the Social Media Snippet into the Page Inspector and it absolutely must be placed in the very top of the sidebar mark up.

Social Media pasted

Step 5: This should complete your install of the Social Media Buttons.

Carabine Social

Creating Links

Step 1: After installing the Socialmedia snippet all you need to do is change the web address in the code. The web address will be located in-between


(as shown in the image below)

Social media link

Step 2: Get the Web Address that you desire to have your page link to and copy it.


Step 3: Paste the Web Address in the code.


(as shown in the image below)

Social Pasted link

Titles with Wrap Graphic

Carabine title

To use the wrap around Title exclusively on the Carabine theme is simple.

Step 1: Highlight the desired text.

Step 2:  After desired Title is highlighted click on the add Html mark button at the bottom.

HTML Select

Step 3: Select Heading 1 or Heading 2 for the wrap around effect.

RapidWeaver Stack Tutorials

RapidWeaver Theme Tutorials

RapidWeaver Project Documentation

Tutorials and documentation for all 1LD Project files can be found at the link below.

See Documentation

Get the power of a framework, for the price of a theme, in the convenience of a prebuilt RapidWeaver project file


Movable Windows

Move beyond the confines of static content layouts! Movable Windows allows your page visitors to effortlessly drag and reposition custom content windows anywhere in the browser viewport. Windows can be minimized to free up space and stay fixed to the browser viewport so they are always accessible.

Resize & Minimize

Windows can be resized to take up more or less space, or maximized to fill the entire screen. But that’s not all – these windows are like handy sidekicks, always ready to assist. Need quick reference? No problem! Windows can be minimized when not in use, saving precious screen space for what really matters – your page content.


Open windows stay fixed on screen so they are always accessible. Minimized windows have three modes to choose from. “Inline” keeps it in line with other content, “Fixed” is always on screen, and “Draggable” lets you move it around while minimized.


It’s not just about functionality; it’s about style too. Customize your windows by size, position, and color. Add in text, images, forms, links – you name it! Want a little more flair? Allow window resizing, choose whether they start minimized or open, change the toggle icon, or hide the window title when minimized.

Check it out!



© 2011 One Little Designer, 1 Little Designer (1LD)

RapidWeaver is a trademark of Realmac Software