Max Width
Determines the maxium width of the stack, including the contents and tabs
Floating Pill Style
This is a neat feature that creates a floating pill as the selected tab marker, which will then resize and move to the active tab when a tab is changed.
Connect Tabs
This will connect the tabs to the content area, and remove border-radiuses where necessary
Active Tab
Here you can set which tab will be active when the stack initially loads
Here you can select the horizontal alignment for the tabs you can set them to be:
- Left
- Right
- Center
Text Size
Determines the font-size of the text inside of each tab
Icon Size
Determines the size of the icon inside of each tab
Controls the space around each tab, both vertical and horizontal spacing options are avialable.
Controls the amount of space inside of each tab (around the text and the icon)
Controls the corner roundness of each tab
Sets the basic text color of all tabs (not selected ones)
Sets the background for all tabs
Active Text
Sets the color of the active tab
Active BG
Sets the background of the active tab
Tabs > Responsive
Breakpoints (Tablet & Mobile)
Here you can set the points at which the tabs will turn into columns for mobile devices. You can set both the tablet and mobile breakpoints
Here you can set the number of columns for the tab grids on mobile devices. For example 3 columsn means 3 tabs per row, etc.
Hide Text
Simple tabs allows you to hide text optionally for Desktop, Tablet, and Mobile devices, you can select more than one option at a time.
Hide Icons
Simple tabs allows you to hide icons optionally for Desktop, Tablet, and Mobile devices, you can select more than one option at a time.
Sets the amount of vertical/horizontal spacing around the content inside of the content area
Controls the corner roundness of the content area
Sets the color of the text within the content area
Sets the background color of the content area