Step 1: Navigate to the Sidebar Tab of the Page Inspector.
Step 2: Copy and Paste the code below into the text area.
<div id="myExtraContent1"> Extra-Content above main content Here </div> <div id="myExtraContent2"> Extra-Content below main content Here </div>
Step 3: Highlight all the code & select Ignore Formatting from the Format Drop down menu (or press command + . ).
Step 4: Add your desired content to each section. Highlight everything between
<div id="myExtraContent1">
1 |
& select Ignore Formatting from the Format Drop down menu (or press command + . ).
Step 5: Preview and you are complete. Your finished code in the Sidebar should be similar to the screen shot below.
Slider Images
Step 1: Add all the images you want to use to the Resources section.
Step 2: Navigate to the HTML Header Section of the Page Inspector.
Step 3: Copy and Paste the code below into the text area.
<div data-src="%resource(IMAGE1.jpg)%" data-fx="simpleFade"> <div class="camera_caption fadeFromBottom"> Caption here </div> </div>
Step 4: Change “IMAGE1.jpg” to exactly match the name of your image in the Resources section (case sensitive)
Step 5: Change “Caption here” to your desired caption or delete the text below if you wish not to display a caption.
<div class="camera_caption fadeFromBottom"> Caption here </div>
Step 6: Repeat steps until you have as many photos you want to display in the slider, preview and you are complete. Your finished code in the Header-Header section should be simular to the screen shot below.
Slider Transitions
Step 1: After you have added images to your slider, change the data-fxvalue to one of the values below.
Example: data-fx=”simpleFade” would be changed to data-fx=”curtainTopRight” for a curtain transition effect.
Single Image Banner
Step 1: Add the image you want to use to the Resources section.
Step 2: Navigate to the HTML Header Section of the Page Inspector.
Step 3: Copy and Paste the code below into the text area.
1 |
<img alt="Banner" src="%resource(IMAGE.jpeg)%" /> |
Step 4: Change IMAGE.jpeg to match the name of your resource.
Preview and you are done!
Social Media Icons
Step 1: Find the Social Media Icon you want you use from the Glyph Chart below:
Step 2: Type the corresponding letter or number into your desired location.
Step 3: Highlight your letter or number and select the Add Link button.
Step 4: Type in the URL to your social media page & add a new Custom Attribute Named: class with the Value: social
Click Set Link and you are done!