

Stacks 2.5.2

Stacks 2.5 offers some very cool new features that every Stacks user should know about.

Note that you should make sure you’re running version 2.5.2 if you’re having any problems running Stacks (there were some brief bugs with certain Mac OS versions, but nothing that was not quickly patched).

Stacks 2-5 New Tools

After installing 2.5+ you’ll notice some new tool icons in the top right above the customization options.

Minimize Stack

The icon on the furthest lest (eye) minimizes stacks sections in the main editing section. This makes working on Stacks pages much easier when there are several stacks on a single page and when stacks take up a lot of vertical real estate.

Editing Display Sizes

Depending on which display icon you have selected will depend on how much smaller the stack is made. In the screenshot above I have the largest display setting selected, which will show the minimized stack as dotted lines with the name of the stack centered. Selecting the middle icon will display the icon as dotted lines without the name and the icon on the furthest left will hide the stack entirely from view (not even clickable), which can really save visual space, but the only way to edit the stack again will be to select a larger viewing option again.

Lock Stack Customization

The lock icon simply locks all your customization settings. This option might be more useful if more than one individual was working on a page.

Create User Stack

Perhaps my favorite new feature and one that is very useful for RW users who have multiple projects is the User Stack generator.

User Stack

When clicked on a pop up box appears. Create a title and subtitle, which will display as text on the stack icon. Also be sure to add a group – this could either be a grouping for all your custom stacks, by project, by your own personal categories, etc. The grouping is the expandable section that will appear in the drop down that contains all your stacks.

Example User Stack

Here is an example of a stack I created. The title is ‘My Stack’, the subtitle is ‘Just for testing’, and the grouping is ‘My Category.’

Very cool new features so I hope you can find out about them quick and begin using them 🙂

RapidWeaver Stack Tutorials

RapidWeaver Theme Tutorials

RapidWeaver Project Documentation

Tutorials and documentation for all 1LD Project files can be found at the link below.

See Documentation

Get the power of a framework, for the price of a theme, in the convenience of a prebuilt RapidWeaver project file


Movable Windows

Move beyond the confines of static content layouts! Movable Windows allows your page visitors to effortlessly drag and reposition custom content windows anywhere in the browser viewport. Windows can be minimized to free up space and stay fixed to the browser viewport so they are always accessible.

Resize & Minimize

Windows can be resized to take up more or less space, or maximized to fill the entire screen. But that’s not all – these windows are like handy sidekicks, always ready to assist. Need quick reference? No problem! Windows can be minimized when not in use, saving precious screen space for what really matters – your page content.


Open windows stay fixed on screen so they are always accessible. Minimized windows have three modes to choose from. “Inline” keeps it in line with other content, “Fixed” is always on screen, and “Draggable” lets you move it around while minimized.


It’s not just about functionality; it’s about style too. Customize your windows by size, position, and color. Add in text, images, forms, links – you name it! Want a little more flair? Allow window resizing, choose whether they start minimized or open, change the toggle icon, or hide the window title when minimized.

Check it out!



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