Siphon has been updated to compatible with the Configure stacks! Create a whole new level of interactive forms for your RapidWeaver projects using these two stacks together.
Through customer feedback, we were able to add some new features and fix a few bugs with our Super Forms 2 stack. Check out the list of changes below. This update is free for those who own the Super Forms 2 stack.
Super Forms 2 (Version 1.2.0)
Motion Looper has been updated with all new features. You can now create custom animation loops with unlimited transition points! Use the new opacity & blur settings to create even more unique animations. There is also a new setting to add a stagger/delay across multiple animated elements.
Timed Content now includes a Date & Time stack. Use it to display the live local time of the visitor or the current time in any timezone. The format can be localized as well as the text. This stack supports the same style customizations and animations features that come with the Timed Content stack.
The Press stack now includes an additional “Lite” stack. This stack has streamlined controls for setup in seconds! Apply preset effects and designs with just a few clicks. You still have control over important options like color and sizing but do not need to spend a lot of time adjusting the details.
The cleanSearch stack has been updated and rebranded as Quick Finder. This new stack has added features and styles. Let your users sort & find content with a lightning fast search bar that updates matches instantaneously on every keypress. Quick Finder has three core functions that you can use to sort the order of your stacks, hide & only show matches, or show all & hide non-matching content.
Note: If you already own cleanSearch this is a free update to that stack. You must use the purchase order lookup form to download the stack to get the update.
Assemble has been updated with improved performance. Animations no longer wait for the page to finish loading, greatly increasing activation speed. All of the code has been consolidated into a single file so you can add as many stacks as you need without impacting load speed. There are also 4 new selectable animations that use 3D depth to create unique effects.
Overlay Menu has been overhauled to bring it up to date with current design trends & regulations. With all new features, improments, & bug fixes this menu can serve as a go to stack for your RapidWeaver projects. Use it as a main menu, a secondary menu, or even a descrite content area that supports most 3rd-party stacks.
Note: This update is free for those who already own the stack.
Live Search has been improved to work better along side more themes and stacks. Take advantage of the new options that make it easier than ever to add a fully featured search bar to your website without the need for a database.
Version 1.6.1 (May 26, 2019)
Version 1.6.0 ( May 10, 2018 )
Note: The updates are free for those who already own the stacks.
Now with all new options to support more menu styles. Keep your navigation menu clean by showing only your most important links up top. Store less commonly used links inside a sleek dropdown menu with this fully customizable menu stack for RapidWeaver.
Now with pop up notifications, an image manager, and global image storage/access. Quick Editor Admin is a WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get) editor that can be used to update & add text or images to a website directly through any OS’s desktop or mobile browser. Make quick edits or even allow someone else to manage the content of your website through a non-technical user friendly interface. This stack is great for those who need to update often or for those who need to make changes without access to RapidWeaver.
Important: You must use order lookup to download version 1.2.0
This update changes where data is stored. In order to not effect your current projects this update will install as a separate stack.
Another big Siphon Update:
* Now includes a Radio Button option (Must add the FontAwesome Stack to the Stacks page)
* Now includes a Checkbox option (Must add the FontAwesome Stack to the Stacks page)
* Now includes a Text option
* Now includes a File / Attachment option
* New pagination nav option
* Now supports multiple auto-reply formats
* Now supports multiple end slides
* Use custom text in the confirm / next buttons
* Email data is now encrypted to prevent bot harvesting
* Fixed: [From] field now properly displays correct address (when enabled)
* Fixed: Youtube videos will not stop if the slide is no longer in view
* Fixed: Text field adjustment no longer covers back button if adjusted
* Other minor bug fixes and improvements
This is a Free Update for existing customers
30% Off Discount Code: 30_siphon_052017
Offer Expires June 2, 2017
Animated stats for RapidWeaver, completely overhauled & improved with new styles & features. This is a free update for those who already own Optic Stats, use the purchase order lookup form to download this new and separate Stack. https://onelittledesigner.cartloom.com/lookup
15% Off Discount Code: 15_optic_032017
Offer Expires April 18
Some major updates and fixes have been included in the latest update of Live Search.
25% Off Discount Code: 25_liveSearch15_112016
List of updates:
– The search description will now show a snippet of text that contains the searched term.
– New option to only search the pages that you list.
– Live Search by default will search every inner link listed on the page instead of just those found in the main navigation menu.
– You can now exclude page from the search results by adding <!–NOSEARCH–> to the prefix.
– Increased support for older versions of IE.
– Improved SEO friendliness.
– Fixed: When including apostrophes in the Customize/Text Language input fields, the Stack will no longer error out.
– Fixed a bug that could cause Hide Terms to not function properly.
– Fixed a bug that caused the search results to bring up multiple of the same page.
– Fixed a bug that would sometime cause custom search description to not display. Other minor bug fixes.
One of our Must popular Stacks yet just got a big update. You spoke and we listened, adding a bunch of new useful features to Siphon since version 1.0.0.
? Add multiple Siphon forms on a single page
? Create complete branches of slides, allowing you to combine multiple forms into one
? Create forms with multiple submit slides
? Add conditional content with “If”, “If And”, “If Or” statements with a new included easy to use Stack
? Add email address validation with a single click
? Make the confirm button always visible
? Change the input display from underlines to boxes
? Add specific background settings to each slide
? The Submit Slide now supports sending an auto reply message. This auto reply supports the use of short-codes
? Now includes 2 more example files, showing you how to use the new features*
? New option to create your own custom email format using short-codes
? New option to handle the vertical alignment and height of Siphon
Due to some major changes you must use the purchase order form in order to get the updated example files.
cleanAccordion is now condensed into a single stack with a new icon to help distinguish the change. Now you can create panel headers using other stacks instead of just text. You can also create links that will automatically open to a specific tab/panel inside of the accordion. Also, there are 3 new design themes to choose from to help speed up your design work and inspire some creative design ideas.
This is a free update for existing customers.
25% Off Discount Code: 25_cAccordion_062016
Offer Expires July 8, 2016
Quickly and easily link your Instagram feed to your RapidWeaver Stacks page. Filter by hashtag or display your entire feed. Images can also be sorted by, most recent, least recent, most liked, least liked, most commented, least commented, and randomly. Comes with a built-in lightbox feature that can present your images in a 100% responsive gallery.
Robust customization options allow you to control the lightbox, captions, links, sorting order, gutters, layout, image quality, responsive settings and more.
This is a free update for existing customers.
30% Discount Code: 30_instagramC_062016
Offer expires June 17, 2016
IMPORTANT NOTE: Due to some changes is Instagram’s Privacy Policy, Instagram Connect is now limited to only using images from an account that you own, meaning hashtag feeds that load other user’s images are not supported or allowed. You can still filter by hashtag, but only from images on your own account.
This is a new stack that will install separately from the old Instagram Connect. If you currently own Instagram Connect you must use the purchase order lookup page to download version 2.0.0. Click the “Retrieve order history” tab to find your purchase order number.
I renamed my Scotty stack to a more intuitive name “Scroll Up,” which allows you to place a button on your Stacks pages that allows viewers to smoothly return to the top of the page. You can control how far viewers have to scroll before the button appears and how quickly they return. Place text information or a simple image.
Scroll Up can now be centered at the bottom (left and right are still options as well). 29 new icons are added in just to help save time for those who want a simple icon for their button.
This offer is free for customers of Scotty (you will receive a separate email with download details, but if you do not receive it in the next 24 hours please contact our Support).
30% Discount Code: 30_scrollUp_062016
Offer Expires June 10, 2016
NOTE, because this product has been renamed, if you have already purchased “Scotty” an email will be sent to you shortly along with instructions on how to receive your free copy.
Even more icons are added to the list as the total climbs to 634 free scalable font icons.
For a list of all the icons check out the Font Awesome Icons page.
This is a completely free stack.
Pure Menus 2 was designed to give you more customizable control over your navigation menu. This all new stack now comes bundled with Pure for RapidWeaver. Adding advanced and more in-depth customizable settings, you can now style the menu to your liking. Check out some the example pages to see what you can do.
This Stack Requires: Stacks 3
Note: This stack will not replace the original Pure Menus stack and will show up as a separate stack in the library. If you already own Pure for RapidWeaver this additional stack is completely free! Just use the order lookup page to re-download the entire suite.
This is a free update for existing customers of PURE.
20% Off Discount Code for PURE: 25_Pure_052016
Offer Expires May 20, 2016
Super Forms is a php based RapidWeaver Stack that lets you easily create extremely flexible and beautifully engaging contact forms. Customize it to any theme with complete control over colors, animations, and the order of all form elements. Decide if fields should be required, how many characters they should require, give custom messages, and include a human tester to avoid spam.
Version 1.5.0 adds extra customization fields so you can style the form to better fit the look of any website. Also add multiple file attachments, obtain form users’ IP addresses, declare custom fonts, and even change the color of the captcha image. Feel free to add other 3rd party stacks inside Super Forms for extra customization and layout options.
This is a free update for existing customers.
25% Off Discount Code: 25_superForms_052016
Offer Expires May 13, 2016
All new updates:
Augment Flip is a stylish stack that can flip-over and reveal more hidden content on the back side. Place images, text, or other stacks on the front and back while including links and selectable content on either side of the stack. Version 2.5.0 introduces 4 new unique animations along with the original 3 (see examples of each on the preview page). The flipping animation can be triggered by mouse hover or click and you now have control over the speed of the animation.
List of changes:
This is a free update for existing customers
25% Off Discount Code: 25_auFlip_042016
Offer Expires April 29, 2016