cleanTips 3

cleanTips 3

cleanTips 3 is a complete redesign of our cleanTips stack and allows more versatility in it’s functionality. The ToolTip is no longer restricted to a small amount of text – you can now place in editable text, images, media, and even other stacks.

If you already own cleanTips 2 your designs won’t be lost as this is a separate build and both are included in the package. This is a free update for existing customers

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cleanTips RapidWeaver Tooltip Stack

2 Small Updates

cleanTips 1.2.0

Update includes a few minor changes to the Stack.

  • Consolidation into one Stack file.
  • Consolidation of Axis Controls.

cleanTabs 2.4.0

includes a small patch that removes a local call of jQuery version 1.7.1 with Stacks’ built-in call of the latest jQuery API (previous version of jQuery wasn’t compatible, but this is now fixed).

cleanTips RapidWeaver Tooltip Stack

cleanTips – New Tooltip Stack

cleanTips is perfect for taking advantage of small spaces. Use it to place beautiful and easily customizable tooltips on any Stacks 2.0+ page. Perfect for buttons, videos, small text snippets, images, shaping cart presentations, notifications, and alerts.

Create multiple tooltips, change colors, beautiful transition effects for most modern browsers, easy to use and simple customization.