Phantom RapidWeaver Stack

Phantom 2.0 Update

Phantom is our animated content organization stack that allows you to add categories to items for visitors to filter through. We’ve added a bunch to it including media queries for responsiveness control, 6 new dial knob designs, button alignment controls, 3 new button styles, and more.

This is a free update
20% Off Discount Code: 20_phantom18_042015
Expires May 1, 2015

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Phantom RapidWeaver Stack

2 New Stacks & One Update


Phantom is a navigational sorting tool that beautifully animates content based on categories that you decide. Create 1-10 of these categories in the sorting navigation section and items will beautifully animate with a jQuery masonry effect (such as seen in the Hang Glider stack).

30% OFF Discount Code: 30_Phantom_082013
Offer Expires 8/30/2013

Check it out!

cleanSearch RapidWeaver Stack


cleanSearch is a powerful search stack that allows you to create searchable content sections and a customizable search engine text tool. Searched content can animate into place or simple not show. Results can also be displayed in a drop down menu for quicker use.

30% OFF Discount Code: 30_cleanSearch_082013
Offer Expires 8/30/2013

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Control Panel 1.5 – Fixes certain text editing options (automatic update).

Hang Glider Responsive RapidWeaver Stack 2.0 Icon

Hang Glider 2.0 (Major) Update

Hang Glider Responsive RapidWeaver Stack 2.0 IconMajor Update to Hang Glider in the new 2.0 version makes some much needed improvements as well as implements an all new lightbox that is fully responsive and animated – making Hang Glider truly fully responsive and fully animated. New options are added to turn the Hang Glider jQuery call and Lightbox call On/Off if you are using other tools or multiple instances of the Stack.

Check it out

Read more about the update in the Changelog.

new canari screenshot

Canari Theme Release

The latest in innovative technology – this theme packs all the punches! Offering a powerfully animated and aesthetically appetizing gallery using the jQuery Masonry Gallery.

In addition is the new “Camera Slider” for faster mobile displays, the jQuery Accordion Blog, and a powerful TagCloud feature.

To top things off we added a highly adaptive and responsive mobile feature so iPhone and Droid users will have a unique experience directly catered to your site’s navigation panel.

Check it out