Category : Stacks New Release

Parallax Shift RapidWeaver Stack

Parallax Shift

Parallax Shift allows you to create Stack sections that can appear/disappear, cycle through images, or even change between different stacks. These events change on mouse scrolling as is typical in Parallax effects.

30% OFF Discount Code: 30_ParaShift_062013
Offer Expires July 5, 2013

Parallax Stacks RapidWeaver Stacks

Parallax Stacks

Parallax Stacks Uses use the power of jQuery to create awesome parallax background effects. Easily control the scroll speed and direction of two background layers. Add any stack you want as content and use it in any theme! You can also use the Parallax Stacks Wrap as a fantastic responsive one page animated scrolling website, just like the one you see here!

Check it out!

Control Panel RapidWeaver Stack

Control Panel – New CSS3 Animation Stack

Take control of powerful CSS and CSS3 web animation with ease!

Control Panel provides full control over page elements for those who don’t know how to code, as well as improve the workflow for those who do code. With nearly 100 control options, you can make your site look exactly the way you want it and add a new level of interactivity and audience engagement.

Check it out!

cleanTips RapidWeaver Tooltip Stack

cleanTips – New Tooltip Stack

cleanTips is perfect for taking advantage of small spaces. Use it to place beautiful and easily customizable tooltips on any Stacks 2.0+ page. Perfect for buttons, videos, small text snippets, images, shaping cart presentations, notifications, and alerts.

Create multiple tooltips, change colors, beautiful transition effects for most modern browsers, easy to use and simple customization.

cleanLists RapidWeaver Stack


cleanLists lets you easily Create Beautifully Responsive Table Lists & Pricing Charts. Cool custom bullets and web icon fonts built-in to make your lists and pricing tables look awesome.

cleanLists is great for large listings and price tables, while also offering great display options for smaller sections, such as contact information, download details, Social Media, promotion points, and much more.

Designed to work with cleanResponse for beautiful responsive flow.

Check it out!

Goldish HTML 5 video icon

Goldfish HTML 5 Video Slider Stack

HTML 5 Video Stack that allows you to play continuously looping videos. This stack supports MP4 and OGG files, though if your video is in another file type you can easily convert. Currently compatible in all modern browsers: Safari, Chrome, Firefox, Opera, and Internet Explorer 9+. Older versions of Internet Explorer have the option to fallback and display an image (IE 6+).

Check it out!

JuiceBox Responsive Lightbox Stack

JuiceBox Responsive Lightbox Stack

Fully responsive lightbox stack – beautifully responds to any screen size, tablet, and smartphone. Saves on loading time by eliminating the need to place thumbnail images, which are instead automatically generated and controlled in size in the customization options. Continual flow: Not stopping at the last image, JuiceBox allows users to seamlessly cycle through your image gallery. Images aspect ratio is kept in tact while never allowing images to exceed their actual size.

Check it out!

Augment PIC RapidWeaver Stack

Augment PIC – New RapidWeaver Stack

Augment Pic allows you to place captions on images anywhere in your site. Comments can glide beautifully in from the top, bottom, left and right sides.

Augment Pic also takes advantage of some very cool effects currently supported only by Chrome & Safari, but trends suggest support in all other modern browsers will soon follow. These image effects include
Blur, Brightness, Contrast, Grayscale, Hue-Rotate, Invert, Opacity, Saturate, and Sepia.

Check it out!

cleanResponse Responsive RapidWeaver Stack

cleanResponse Release

Clean Response is a fully responsive layout stack. It will ensure that content will look good no matter the size of screen. Basically, all your columns and content will fit and adjust to any screen and device.

This stack runs at $7.95, though if you are subscribed to our e-mail list or if you Like us on Facebook you’ll receive a 30% discount code good until April 5th.

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Simple Text Free RapidWeaver Stack

Simple Text Free RapidWeaver Stack

Simple Text is a Free RapidWeaver Stack that takes the existing Text stack and adds some extra customization options. These customization options allow you to change text and link colors, transition effects for links, HTML 5 wrapping elements, text justification, text shadow, and most significantly text side changes based on screen sizes (i.e. iPads & iPhones).

Comes with 3 Free button snippets.

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cleanQuotes RapidWeaver Stack Icon

cleanQuotes RapidWeaver Stack Release

Fully Responsive stack with beautiful design and animation built specifically to display customer reviews, testimonials and other site promotions. Great customization options coupled with simple and intuitive controls make cleanQuotes enjoyable and impressive.

Easily drag and drop quote sections designed specifically for customer reviews and testimonials. Simple design with subtle animation makes cleanQuotes great for any online business.

Testimonial / cleanQuote’s inner section allows you to place other stacks inside easily. This is designed to perfectly implement the built-in Stacks (i.e. Text, HTML).

Built-in Themes and Customization options allow you to adapt cleanQuotes to any RapidWeaver theme. The light weight plugins ensures fast loading speed and browser adaptability.

Check it out

GlideSlide Slider Stack

GlideSlide Slider Stack Released

Offers a simple to use and customize fully responsive slider stack. GlideSlide uses the latest CSS3 techniques to emulate parallax animation effects creating a beautiful and modern design for your sliders.

GlideSlide is built as 3 Stacks in one creating a easy and intuitive drag and drop design to its use. GlideSlide is specifically made for themes that offer extra content sections in the Slider or Top Banner section of the theme.