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Silhouette is an innovative design tool that turns images and content into interactive, clickable silhouettes. Images transform from solid silhouettes into fully detailed visuals upon hover or when they enter the user’s view, providing a captivating way to engage users and highlight key content. Designed for flexibility, it offers numerous customization options—from color and fill gradients to threshold and contrast adjustments—making it easy to tailor silhouettes to match any style.

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Transition Effects

Eight transition effects bring a captivating, interactive element to your website by transforming silhouettes into full images when they come into the viewer's field of vision or when hovered by cursor. They not only draw attention to key links and visuals but also create smooth, eye-catching reveals that enhance user engagement. Images gradually transition from bold silhouettes to detailed visuals, making it feel as though the content is coming to life right on the page.


Slide Horizontal

Slide Vertical

Expand Horizontal

Expand Verical

Expand Center


Color & Invert

Customize the silhouette with a color of your choice and invert it to create unique visual effects.

Outline & Clip

Convert solid silhouettes into outlines and clip the shape to match the silhouette’s defined edges.

Round & Resize

Add rounded corners and easily resize images to fit your design layout.

Adjust Threshold & Contrast

Fine-tune brightness and contrast levels for more defined or subtle silhouette appearances.

Apply Fill Color & Gradient

Fill the active image state with a solid color or gradient for a standout look.

Active in View, on Hover, or Never

Control when silhouettes transition, whether on hover, in view, or remain static.

Adjustable Transition Speeds

Set transition speeds to control the pace of the silhouette-to-image animation.

Use Images, Text, or Content

Choose between images, text, or custom content to create interactive silhouettes.

  • All life is an experiment. The more experiments you make the better.
    - Ralph Waldo Emerson


Whether used to create standout links or add dynamic visuals, Silhouette brings a sleek, modern look that seamlessly combines aesthetics with functionality—purchase and add it to your projects today!


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