Customizable, Animated Particles!
The new Particle Modular theme comes with a stellar animated particle effect that can be customized to your liking!

Simple, yet stunning navigation
Powerd by Modular
Particle utilizes the power of both stacks and themes for utlimate control!
It is built on and comes with Modular, a brand-new blank theme from One Little Designer.

What is a Modular Theme?
Simply put, a modular theme is the mid point between a Stack framework and a traditional theme. Traditional themes are too limiting when it comes to customization. Stack frameworks require you to create your own design, can be time consuming/daunting to setup, are quite expensive, and do not support RapidWeaver plugin pages like the blog, contact form, and photo album.
Modular themes take the benefits of a traditional theme in that there is no design work involved, but like a Stack framework gives you access to areas you typically could not edit before. You can even add Stacks content to the plugin (non-stacks) pages and setup is as simple as it is with a traditional theme.
What makes it different?
In a traditional RapidWeaver theme you can only add content in one location, but with a Modular theme you can also add content above and below the main content in header and footer modules.
The header and footer modules allow you to add custom HTML, Styled Text, and more importantly other 3rd-party Stacks.
Modular themes are built with customizable and independent parts that are used to construct the theme’s complex design. These parts are called “modules”.
Included Stacks
Modular Theme
Modaular ThemeParticle Theme
Particle ThemeModular Theme
SectionParticle Theme
SectionParticle Theme
SliderModular Theme
Project FileParticle Theme
Starter FileThe Theme Stack
Each Modular theme comes with a specialized theme Stack. The theme options are located in the robust Stacks settings menu, unlike a traditional theme where the options can only be modified through the limited page inspector styles tab. You also have the ability to add Stacks to the content of non-Stacks plugin pages through these modules.
Also included is a “section” Stack. Have you ever wanted to add a Stack to a theme and have it fill the full width of the browser window? This Stack allows you to ignore the content width of the theme and add full-width images, sliders, quotes, or parallax sections.