Main Features


4 Great Banner Options give every page of your website amazing variation: Create a 3-Image-Slideshow using the power of the jQuery Diapo slider, a single image slideshow, or use the banner section as another Extra Content section. No matter what you pick the page will be adjusted to perfection.
Extra Content

Our team knows how much users like options for adding additional content to their websites, so we've created 7 different areas to the theme. Have more control of the look and layout of your site.
Highly Customizable

Conversa gives you 100% control of your website using the color picker tool - color options on any part of the site creates incredible variation and customization options: Header, navigation bar, banner/slider, extra content, sidebar, footer, content text, links and buttons.
Photo Viewer

Display beautfiul photo galleries using the power of the jQuery Pretty Photo Viewer - Offers image lightbox styled gallery with small preview icons, transition effects, and play mode.

18 different stunning textures for almost every spot on the page. Select textures to impact your site's background, header, footer, banner, and extra content areas.

Dramatically change the look of Conversa with options to change your layout. Remove & add shadows to give your website better eye flow & separation. Have multiple sections with different textures or keep it minimal with a solid flush background.
Extra Content
This theme supports Extra Content. Place content in 7 different areas other than just the main content area.
See Where
- Path Ahead
Beautifully designed and highly customizable theme takes advantage of powerful sliders, multi-level navigation menus, lots of fonts, lots of social media icons, textures, tons of extra content locations, and easy to change colors. - 3rd Project
Our team knows how much users like options for adding additional content to their websites, so we've created
7 different areas to the theme. Have more control of the look and layout of your site.