Mark’s Big Thank You Fundraiser

My 4th child is due in a couple months and everything looks good so far, but myself and my wife wanted to give our own thanks by giving to whatever new batch of babies are adventuring through their own recovery in the NICU, which is intensive care for newborns. We’ve partnered up with the same local NICU that helped Mark and have already received lots of support.

My second son, Mark, was born almost 2 months early due to a fairly uncommon disorder called gastroschisis. Due to the surgery and medicine that was needed to help patch up his tummy he had to spend his first month in the NICU. Personally, my own birth was not too dissimilar, though the details were a bit different.

During Mark’s first month we visited him quite frequently and during that process we continually received small gifts in the hospital ranging from baby blankets to comforting stuffed animals that doubled as Mark’s first pillows.

We’re happy to extend this offer to any of our customers who would like to do so – no pressure either… really! We just want to repay back the same generosity that was extended to us during our first month with Mark and figured there might be others who shared similar experiences or feelings 🙂

Here’s what we put together to give to each Mom and baby combo that we can.

(My wife’s art above… just saying)

Each donation of $25- sends out a package including all of those items: diaper bag, soap, onesies, blankets, beanies/booties, toys, and kleenex. It’s a heck of a deal thanks to some discounts I was able to get from others wanting to help sponsor the gift.

Last, but not least, I’d like to say thank you to any of my RapidWeaver customers and friends who donate. For every donation you make I’ll give you any of my stacks – your choice. Donate 2 bags and you can have any theme (or 2 stacks of course). 3 or more and you can grab yourself a copy of Pure! (or whatever equivalent you prefer).

I’m going to be a little archaic and make this thing simple too – if you wish to donate simply use a link to choose your amount of donations, then send me an e-mail and let me know what product(s) you would like and I’ll send them right over!

Link to donate
Email me at

Here’s a video of Mark to let you know how he’s recovering too 😛