Wide Layout Example

Beautiful Menu
Using fluid animation effects this theme's menu engages users like few menus do. Optimized for both desktops and mobile devices with subtle & stunning visuals - added animation & visuals for sub navigation content (up to 3 levels). Your page's content blurs as users engage with the menu creating a focusing effect that draws great attention to menu items.
Powerful Slider
This theme uses shortened code to make the slider setup process extremely simple - you can literally set it up in seconds. Fully responsive slideshows powered by jQuery & CSS packed with 12 slicing animation options, 8 auto-play speeds, and 10 sizing options.
Simplified Setup
Get your site up fast! Place content in the Sidebar or any of the 5 Extra Content sections & the theme will automatically detect and turn those sections on. Place more than one image in the banner and it will automatically change your banner into a slider with controls for users. This theme removed the need of fumbling through settings to get your site to display properly.
Fully Responsive
Designed specifically with small, mobile, and touch screens in mind (as well as large desktop screens), this theme looks great on any device without messing with the design. The powerful menu helps mobile users engage with site navigation without distracting from your site's content.
Font Awesome
Charis uses the latest version of Font Awesome giving you the use of 369 icons. These icons can be styled and used anywhere & everywhere from the navigation menu to bulleted list items. You can even add color & create backgrounds for the icons.
CSS3 Effects
This theme uses the latest in CSS3 animation that is supported by all major browsers in their current versions. This gives Charis an beautiful, modern, and subtly animated effects without hogging your visitors bandwidth.
Style Options
- 7 Content Widths
- 25 Colour Options
- 8 Built-in Fonts
- 5 Font Weights
- 11 Customizing Toggle Options
- 10 Banner Size Options
- 7 Slider Speeds
- 2 LIghtbox Themes
Lorem Ipsum
One Little Designer
This theme is made by One Little Designer. Find more RapidWeaver themes & stacks at our 1LD homepage.
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