Show off your products, projects, & artwork with the big & beautiful Camera Responsive Slideshow
Cinema is a responsive/adaptive Rapidweaver Theme. Test it by resizing the browser window


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Cinema Rapidweaver Theme

Responsive, Minimalistic, Modern

Valid Code

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Your site running fast and error free is one of our top concerns. Cinema has gone through a strenuous code validation process to ensure that, while taking advantage of new HTML5 syntax, and best of all it looks AMAZING in all browsers (even going back to ie7).

Powered by jQuery

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We love jQuery. Slick jQuery animation effects give your site subtle and impressive effects in the Navigation Menu, the Slideshow, Mobile Navigation Menu, Gallery Page Lightbox, and more.

Responsive Slideshow

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Designed to show off your projects and masterpieces, Cinema gives you incredible control over the slider height, control buttons, 23 beautiful transition effects, a frame removal option, the ability to add your own captions, and complete control over the amount of banner images (as few or as many as you like).

Theme Styles

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Set your site's mood and tone with 15 colourable background textures, 12 precisely selected fonts, and 6 slider & banner display options. Cinema is designed to look amazing in both light and dark color schemes. Design your own or select from 5 handcrafted theme styles.

Extra Content

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Extra Content gives you more areas to place your content. Place as much as you like above and below the main content sections with ease. Perfect for pages where you have a lot to share with your audience or wish to take advantage of extended footer sections.

Perfect Fit for All Screens

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Super wide 1280px theme option for large monitors - will automatically resize for small browsers, tablets, and mobile devices. Truly perfect for whatever devices your visitors may have. You also have the option to set the max-width to 1024px, 960px or remove it all together.

Extra Wide & Responsive Rapidweaver Theme

Cinema is meticulously designed for desktop, laptop, tablet, and mobile displays. No matter how you view it, this theme will fit beautifully & utilize maximum space.